About the REMC Association

The Regional Educational Media Center Association of Michigan is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1969. Its members are the 28 local Regional Educational Media Centers operated through the Intermediate School District structure.

Mission and Beliefs

The REMC Association of Michigan believes it must provide proactive leadership to the Michigan educational community in building a vision that supports quality teaching and learning, the effective use of educational technology and provides equity to Michigan's pre-K-12 students.

The REMC Association of Michigan will accomplish this within the framework of the following principles:

  • Improve learning for all students.
  • Support constituents and improve teaching and learning statewide through future-focused collaboration, leadership and service.
  • Empower teachers to create high quality, engaging instructional environments when they have access to the necessary skills, tools and rich sources of information.
  • Provide effective cost savings through statewide cooperative purchasing, which allows local resources to be reallocated to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Advance statewide connectivity through delivery systems and infrastructure.

Executive Board

Tom Louks, REMC 14W, President

Heather Kowalski, REMC 3, Past President

Ann Smart, REMC 19W President Elect 

Bob Frost, REMC 10, Treasurer

Peter Milne, REMC 2 Central, Secretary

Kristin Day, REMC 18N, Member-at-Large

Sue Schwartz, Executive Director
Anita Banach, Communication Coordinator
Melinda Waffle, Professional Learning Coordinator
Erin Rommeck, Event Coordinator
Mike Richardson, REMC SAVE Director
Steve Schmunk, Finance Assistant

2024-25 Business Meetings
The 2024-25 business meetings are the second Tuesday of the month, August through May and Friday, June 20.

The Association is an organizational affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).