Creating Instructional Videos for the Classroom


Video has made an impact on learning for decades. Did you know that filmstrips were used in World War II to train soldiers? Thousands of recruits had to be trained quickly and using film was an easy way to meet that need all over the United State. This short article discusses how the U.S. Dept of Education developed visual aids for the military. This was the beginning of the use of film for instruction. 

Educators began showing filmstrips and 16mm film to their students and eventually those were retired to be replaced by VHS, DVDs, and then in the 2000s, we were introduced to streaming video. 

Research conducted by academia over the past couple of decades shows that student motivation increases by 70% with the use of video in the classroom.

In the article Using Educational Video in the Classroom Theory, Research and Practice, the author summarizes after much research that video:

  • reinforces reading and lecture material
  • aids in the development of a common base of knowledge among students
  • enhances student comprehension and discussion
  • provides greater accommodation of diverse learning styles
  • increases student motivation and enthusiasm
  • promotes teacher effectiveness

While there are many pre-made videos readily available on YouTube, School Tube, EDpuzzle, etc. there are times that you will want to use your own material to teach a concept. 

Now it is easy to create and edit your own instructional videos to teach students and colleagues using FREE online applications. 

In this independent learning unit, participants will learn about the various tools available for the creation and editing of videos. 

Let’s move on to Learn.