During this independent learning unit, you have completed a number of activities. Please check off that you have completed each of the activities. 

You will have to share screenshots versus links to your classroom because most likely your instructor will not have access to your Google Classroom. 

Use this Google Doc to check off the assignments as you do them, share URLs and screenshots with your instructor. Please make a copy of the document and then share it with your instructor.

1. I read through the Introduction.

2. I read through the Objectives under Learn.

3. I began the first section Introduction to Google Classroom.

4. I created a Google Class or began updating one.

5. I added students to my class.

6. I created a message to hook my students in the Stream

  • Share your message. 

7. I added an assignment or quiz to my classroom

  • Share the assignment, etc.

8. Under More Features in the Google Classroom, I used at least three out of the five suggestions. e.g., Comment bank, grade book, Google Drive.

  • Which did you use and why?

9. Under Integrating More Apps, I used at least three Google Applications. 

  •  Which Google Applications did you add to your Classroom?
  • Did you try out any with your students?
  • What was your student’s initial reaction especially if you tried out Jamboard?

10. In Using Other Applications with Google Classroom there are ten applications that work great with Google Classroom and are great in differentiating in the classroom. I used at least two applications. 

  • Which two or more applications did you add and introduce to your students?
  • Student reaction?
  • How will they make a difference in your classroom?

11. Are there any applications you currently use that you have added to your Google Classroom? Name them and how you use them with your students. 

12. Hopefully, you read the article Getting the Most From Google Classroom in the Introduction to Google Classroom. After taking this course, what are your reactions to this article and how do you think Google Classroom will make a difference for your students?