November 2023

Dell Technologies shares a case study on REMC Association

REMC Association was recently featured as a Dell Technologies case study as part of their customer stories..  The study took a deep dive into how REMC partnered with Dell to enhance and add value to our professional learning and resource tools.

Most recently, this partnership brought Power Up Teaching and Learning to fruition. Power Up resources include ready-to-use tools and materials to help teachers implement educational technology to enhance or reimagine teaching practices. Other resources as a result of this working relationship is MITECS & CS Crosswalks, Podcasting for Educators, Toolkits for Media Literacy, Digital Citizenship and Technical Support Essential Skills (

According to Sue Schwartz, Executive Director of the REMC Association, “Our relationship with Dell Technologies has evolved into a clear strategic partnership.” Through a unique relationship between Dell Technologies, Advanced Learning Partnership (ALP) and REMC we are able to provide more high quality and timely resources to statewide educators.  Dell Technologies has contributed $3.8 million since 2017 toward resource development and professional development provided by ALP consultants.

Click here to read the full case study featured on Dell’s website.