In this Quest you will be learning about the design of Things and Quests, how technology standards are addressed, and take a deeper dive into some of the content and resources.


  • understand about the technology literacy standards and how the 21t4s addresses them
  • know the structure of "Things and Quests"
  • be able to explain to others (colleagues, students, parents) what the 21Things4Students is

Key Vocabulary for the 21things4students

Thing - The 21 things are based on 21 big ideas in technology literacy for students that are referred to as "Things." Each thing introduces a variety of FREE web resources that help address the technology standards for Students (ISTE-S) and the Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students (MITECS).

Quest- Each "Thing" is broken down into smaller units called Quests, and each Quest has learning activities that are presented through a series of web-based resources. Quests are project-based and include a variety of free media and web resources.

Content Box (aka expandable box) - A web page tool that is used to expand or hide additional content on the page.

Student Checklist - A step-by-step check list resource to help students stay on task to complete Quest activities.

Teacher Guide - A Google document that provides ideas and resources for teaching a Quest. There is one for each Quest, and an Overview one is provided on each Thing page.

ISTE Standards - Standards for the use of technology in teaching and learning that are published by the non-profit International Society for Technology in Education. There are standards published for: Students, Educators, Educator Leaders, and Coaches.

ISTE Seal of Alignment - A certificate provided that recognizes edtech products and projects for their alignment to the ISTE Standards. The 21t4s site has been awarded this seal for a number of years.

MITECS - Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students that are focused on learning enhanced by technology, rather than on technology tools, and are based on the ISTE-S.

MiTechKids - This is a K-5 resources was created by our 21things4students team at the request of teachers using the 21t4s. The site provides teacher "Task-cards" with technology integration activities for the K-5 classrooms. Check it out.

Good luck on this Matching Quiz. Direct link


Note: You can change the Quiz mode to Match, Test, Learn, Flash Cards, or Spell using the selection list at the bottom right of the activity that says "Choose a Study Mode."


1. Anatomy of Things and Quests: Open the Teacher Guide on this page and learn about the anatomy of a Thing and a Quest.

2. Explore the Thing Page: Thing 5 Digital Footprint page on the 21t4s site (you will explore some of the Quests in the next step). Look to answer the following:

a. What will students be learning about?
b. What technology competencies/standards will it be addressing?
c. What teaching resources are provided on the page.

3. Explore a Quest: Select two of the Quests in Thing 5 to answer the questions below:

(Q1 Managing Your Footprint, Q2 Your Evolving Footprint, Q3 Web Presence, Q4 Getting Social, or Q5 Balancing My Media)

a. What different educational teaching/learning strategies are used?
b. What types of learning resources are provided for student learning?
c. What resources are provided for the teacher?
d. Would your students be able to do the activities on their own (self-paced) or require some teacher direction or facilitation
e. How well do these resources meet needs for differentiation in your setting?

4. Pick One: Go to the Main 21Things4Students page and pick a Thing that interests you, that might be helpful for your curriculum or setting. Look through the different Quests and resources in it. Note: If you are a K-5 teacher, then go to the MiTechKids site and locate several resources for your grade level.

5. Reflections: Take a few minutes to consider the following

a. How could the resource(s) you explored enhance the learning experience for your students or others in your educational setting.
b. As you look at the titles of the different 21Things, are there others that you would want to explore?

6. Technology Competencies and Standards: learn more in the content box below.

The 21things4students is composed of technology-integrated learning activities organized around 21 'big ideas' such as Digital Footprint, Cyber Safety, Collaboration, Digital Storytelling, etc.

1. Review the following Google slide document about the MITECS competencies and how they are differentiated from standards.

2. Now that you have an overview of the MITECS, look at some of the sample scenarios for integrating them by age level.

3. As you think about the competency expectations for students you work with take a moment to look at the technology standards for educators, education leaders, and technology coaches.

Identify one or two goals for yourself, add it to the student checklist provided.

7. Visit the 21t4s student Basics Graduation Page to see:

  •  A sample of an award certificate (provided as an editable presentation in the Teacher Resources)
  • How a ProProfs Quiz is provided (try it)
  • The short survey for feedback

When you have completed this "Thing and Quest" take a moment to reflect about:

  • The reason you signed up for this course.
  • What you are hoping to learn more about.
  • What and how you can contribute and share with your classmates in this course,
  • Something you hope to change in your practice.

Continue on to learn more about the 21t4s Teaching Resources

Addressing the ISTE Standards For Educators

1a. Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
1c. Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences.

2b. Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students.
2c. Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, 
evaluation, curation and adoption of
new digital resources and tools for learning.

4b. Collaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues.

5a. Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
5b. Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
5c. Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.

6a. Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.
6b. Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on maker spaces or in the field.
6c. Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.
6d. Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.