
Q4 Stop the Pirates Poster Activity

7. Be Legal & Fair

This Quest includes THREE activities

Check with your teacher about which one(s) to complete, or to do all.

A. Poster activity (Step 1 Page)
 B. Breakout challenge review (Step 2 Page)
 C. Create Your Own Creative Commons License (Step 3 Page)

A.  poster ACTIVITY

1. For this activity you are to create a poster (or alternative artifact) that should have a clear message about some aspect of copyright.

  • Remember, copying copy-protected music, movies, and games is stealing and it is harmful to the creative artists, musicians, developers, and others involved in the work.
  • To create your poster you may use various media such as digital photography, drawing tools, downloaded images, as well as online sites.
  • Check with your teacher to see if there is a specific application or media type that should be used to create your poster.

2. Sketch out your poster idea digitally or offline (on paper) to brainstorm what you want the finished product to look like. Be sure to include some text that conveys your message.

3. To ensure your poster has a clear message you might:

  • Describe the meaning of pirating digital works
  • Describe how the author/creator of a digital work might be affected when someone uses their work without permission
  • Describe ways to double-check your work for possible piracy

4. Take digital photos or collect some public domain images to use on your poster. The list below are sites to find some images in the public domain (free to use):

5. Create your poster using the appropriate software. Add your signature (first name only) to your poster to verify that it is indeed your work. 

  • Canva is a good choice.
  • You could also use a Word document or a Slide to create your poster.   

Image generated with Adobe Express of a pirate in the sea with treasure chest, waves, mountains with a storm.Image generated using Adobe Express.

MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

2. Digital Citizen
b. Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices
c. demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property