powerful presentations

11. Powerful Presentations

THIS THING and the QUESTS are BEING REVISED LIVE July 10-30, 2024. Please be patient as the content, order, and names are being changed. We thank you for visiting this Thing. We will announce the completion on the Updates page when completed.


Learning to create presentations equips students with valuable skills that improve their communication and extend far beyond the classroom, benefiting them throughout their academic and professional careers. Strong presentation skills are one of the critical and most desirable strengths in any successful student or professional life.

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this Thing you will:

  1. know how to use online presentation tools [Empowered Learner]

  2. understand the features and attributes of effective presentations [Creative Communicator]

  3. know how to use a variety of media to create and collaborate on an effective presentation [Global Collaborator]

  4. know how to locate and use digital images appropriately [Digital Citizen]

Quest 1: Collaboration 

While this Thing can be done by an individual student, the objective is to focus on working with a partner or small group to create a presentation. This Quest begins with a planning and designing process in preparation for learning to use and apply different effects, features and designs for an effective presentation.

Quest 2: Planning

This Quest focuses on tips for creating an effective presentation, doing research about a chosen topic, and gathering media resources.

I have completed the Quests as assigned by my teacher. awardicon
Go to the Graduation page for this Thing.


This is a link to the complete URL list. There is a separate sheet for each Thing. This list is being updated daily as links can go bad or newer content is added.

The sheets can be sorted by:
Screenshot of the top row of the Complete URL list column headers: Thing/Quest, Title, URL, 21t4s Category, Document Type

  • Thing/Quest
  • Title
  • URL
  • 21t4s Category (Websites, 21t4s documents & quizzes, 21t4s videos, videos from other sources, student checklist, teacher guide)
  • Document Type (Google and Microsoft applications, PDF, Quizlets, YouTube-SchoolTube-TeacherTube videos)


Use the Awesome Index to sort by Thing#Quest#, Technology Standards, Interactive/Self-Guided activities, Key Vocabulary, Content Area, Teacher Guides, and Applications.


If you discover a bad link or outdated content, please use the Report a Bad Link to notify us.

You can change the Quiz mode to Match, Test, Learn, Flash Cards, Spell using the selection list at the bottom right of the activity that says "Choose a Study Mode." Direct Link

You can change the Quiz mode to Match, Test, Learn, Flash Cards, Spell using the selection list at the bottom right of the activity that says "Choose a Study Mode." Direct Link