Personal networks

Q2 Social Networks in Society

14. Social Networking


In this Quest, you will view the video below on the Six Degrees of Information about making choices for posting online and identifying your online sharing habits. You will then find out how prospective employers can view your social networking habits and how this might have an impact on your future. You will be guided through a slide show where you read an article from the New York Times and learn about the Rules of the Road for sharing online. After you complete the steps in the slideshow, you will have an opportunity to write a letter that lets a job applicant understand how a poor social networking profile can damage chances for employment.

I Can Statement

  • explain the impact of my online habits on my future, especially with regards to colleges and employers

Key Vocabulary

Prospective employer: A prospective employer is a company or individual that might possibly hire you when you submit a job application for a position. 

Vast: Vast is a great quantity.

Play the interactive Quizlet Game: Direct Link


1. Watch the Six Degrees of Information

YouTube (7:27)


2.  Your teacher will ask you to download and take a short survey "Which Teen Are You?" from the video shown above.

3. Use this Reflection Guide to record your results from the survey (and save it for reflections in Quests Three and Four). Were you surprised by anything you learned?

4. Directions: Open the Social Networks in Society Slideshow in Google Slides and go through each of the slides (PowerPoint Version, PDF Version). 

5. On each of the slides it asks you to stop and write down your thoughts. Use this Stop & Jot Guide to jot down your responses after each section of the article.

6. Review the article, "Kaplan Survey: The Percentage of College Admissions Officers who say Applicants' Social Media Content is "Fair Game.

7. Review the Rules of the Road for Kids from the Slideshow linked to above:

  • Guard your privacy. What people know about you is up to you.
  • Protect your reputation. Self-reflect before you self-reveal. What’s funny or edgy today could cost you tomorrow.
  • Nothing is private online. Anything you say or do can be copied, pasted, and sent to gazillions of people without your permission.
  • Assume everyone is watching. There’s a huge, vast audience out there. If someone is your friend’s friend, they can see everything.
  • Apply the Golden Rule; if you don’t want it done to you, don’t do it to someone else.
  • Choose wisely. Not all content is appropriate. You know what we mean.
  • Don't hide. Using anonymity to cloak your actions doesn’t turn you into a trustworthy, responsible human being.
  • Think about what you see. Just because it’s online doesn’t make it true.
  • Be smart, be safe. Not everyone is who they say they are. But you know that. 

8. Complete the rejection letter stating why the student has been rejected from a position within the company.  

Completing this Quest

Turn your letter into your teacher for review. 

Check this Quest off on your 21t4s roadmap 

I have completed this Quest and I am ready for Quest 3

MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
a. Articulate and set personal learning goals when appropriate and to make choices on how to meet them, develop strategies using technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process. 
d. Understand the fundamental concepts (basics) of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies