Student Technology Skills Survey

Pre and Post Technology Skills Survey and Reflections

Note: In addition, an assessment bank of multiple-choice questions is available in the Teacher Resources log-in area. These can be used for summative assessment. They are identified by Thing and Quest and can be imported into an assessment bank.

STUDENTS ARE INvited to Take this Short Pre-Technology Skills Survey


  1. Please check the button below for your grade level to complete a very short technology skills survey.
  2. IMPORTANT: When you complete it, check with your teacher for specific directions to save a copy of your completed survey, and where to save it.
  3. There is a box at the end of the survey for you to type your first name and last initial or a student ID number. Please do NOT put your full name in the box for privacy.
  4. Identify at least three personal learning goals based on the questions that you were not confident about your answer and are interested in learning more about.
    • Ask your teacher where to post your personal learning goals to help you track your progress and mastery.
  5. You will be able to compare and reflect on your learning when you complete the Post Skills Survey at a later date.
  6. Note the 6-8 Survey has been updated as of 6/2023, K-3 and 3-5 updated 10/17/22 and 9-12 was updated 11/22/2022

***Note: As of June 2023, the 6-8 TechSkills Survey has been updated and is now available as a Google Form you can copy to your own drive, and edit, and have a spreadsheet that receives the answers from your own classes. You will want to add a Question for student First and Last Name or student ID to the Form.

Technology Skills Survey Reflection and Learning Goals

1. After your semester, or class, retake the Tech Skill you previously took and saved

2. Compare your results to see your progress, and set some new learning goals.

What are personal learning goals and why are they important?

"Personal learning goals are about improving students’ learning and achievement and building students’ capacity to learn.

They are about students becoming active participants in the learning process, empowering them to become independent learners, and motivating them to achieve their full potential."


1. Students who set their own working goals tend to improve their performance.

2. Students who set their own learning goals have more confidence to take on more challenging tasks, and are motivated to improve and master a task.

3. Students who set their own learning goals have increased pride, self-confidence, and satisfaction with their performance. 

3. When students are assisted to reflect on their own thinking and learning processes, they evaluate and learn from the strategies they used to achieve the learning goals they set.

4. Planning what to do, monitoring progress towards achieving it and evaluating the outcome can help students take more control over their thinking and learning processes and equip them with learning to learn skills. (Resource