21 Things - Basics

Q1 21t4s Technology Skills Survey and Goals

1. Basics

Short Technology Skills Survey

To help you identify Personal Learning Goals, this skills survey is provided.

1. Please select the button for your grade level to complete a very short technology skills survey.

2. When you complete it, check with your teacher for specific directions to save a copy of your completed survey, and where to save it.

***NOTE: There is a box at the end for you to type your first name and last initial or a student ID number. Please do NOT put your full name in the box for privacy.

3. You will be able to compare your answers to a similar survey later on if your teacher has you do this again as a post-assessment. 


The purpose of this survey is to help you identify personal learning goals.  Save your survey results (or print them out), 

4. When you are done with the survey, the next activity is to identify two or three specific Personal Learning Goals.


5. Getting Started: Write some goals down as you view the slide presentation on the right, or refer to this Script for the S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

Check with your teacher and open and save this 21t4s Personal Learning Goals Document to your own file space.

  1. Think about the Skills survey you completed, and look at the I Can Statements at the top of the Learning Goals document. 
  2. Write down two to three goals in the document.
  3. Share your goals with your teacher.
A slideshow about S.M.A.R.T. goals. Direct link